Friday, December 10, 2010

Ways to Live Forever

examples covers of book "Ways to Live Forever" in different versions
     Sam Oliver McQueen is an eleven-year-old child, terminally ill with leukemia, who, during one of his special education sessions decides to write a book about his life. In that book, he will include stories, amusing facts, lists, and his own diary. One of the lists is entitled "Things I Want to Do". With the help of his best friend Felix Stranger, an ill 13-year-old child, he will make all his wishes come true. Sam makes numerous lists of questions. With the help of his teacher, they conduct various experiments, Sam and Felix break world records (including the world's smallest night club). However things take a turn for the worst and Felix dies in hospital. This leaves Sam devastated. Eventually, the doctors realize the medication isn't working as well and Sam makes the decision to stop all medication. Sam dies in his sleep about a month later; he has given his parents a form to fill in about his death so he could finish his book. The last comment is made by his mother, who says, "Sam died quietly in his sleep. He was in no pain."
     I liked this book because the story and the depiction karakater said Sam was flowing. There are some scenes that are very personal to me and described so beautifully. When the father-figure father-which during the cold and apathetic (as he himself always denied the fact that Sam's health will deteriorate) menajdi father who was so warm and affectionate when accompanied Sam asleep.